DocPort Documentation

As a SlideDeck

A basic .md file can be rendered as a reveal.js presentation full screen.

A page rendered as a SlideDeck is a page that use the full screen to display its markdown content as a reveals.js presentation.
click here to view an example

To tell Hugo to consider a page as a slidedeck, just add a type="slide"in then frontmatter of your page.

type: "slide"

Formating your content

Use your common Markdown syntax you use in Hugo, don’t forget, you can put html tags too.

Special syntax (in html comment) is available for adding attributes to Markdown elements. This is useful for fragments, amongst other things.

Please read the doc from hakimel

Presentation options

In the frontmatter of your page file, set type and revealOptions params

Your content will be served as a fullscreen revealjs presentation and revealOptions will be used to ajust its behaviour.

title: "Test slide"
type: slide

theme: "league"
  center: true
  controls: true
  history: false
  progress: true
  transition: concave

read more about reveal options here

Slide Delimiters

When creating the content for your slideshow presentation within content markdown file you need to be able to distinguish between one slide and the next. This is achieved very simply using a convention within Markdown that indicates the start of each new slide.

As both horizontal and vertical slides are supported by reveal.js each has it’s own unique delimiter.

To denote the start of a horizontal slide simply add the following delimiter (dashes) in your Markdown:


To denote the start of a vertical slide simply add the following delimiter (underscores) in your Markdown:


By using a combination of horizontal and vertical slides you can customize the navigation within your slideshow presentation. Typically vertical slides are used to present information below a top-level horizontal slide.

For example, a very simple slideshow presentation can be created as follows

title: "test"
type: "slide"

theme: "league"
  center: true
  controls: true
  history: false
  progress: true
  transition: concave

# In the morning


## Getting up

- Turn off alarm
- Get out of bed


## Breakfast

- Eat eggs
- Drink coffee


# In the evening


## Dinner

- Eat spaghetti
- Drink wine


## Going to sleep

- Get in bed
- Count sheep

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