DocPort Documentation


Docport’s Menu displays your content structure on left.

  • the 2 dashed rectangles are 2 position where you can inject custom content, see bellow
  • menu entries are controled by each content page frontmatter options


Menu entry labels

Each of your content/ folder sections are an entry, their file is used to get information about how to render each one, thanks to frontmatter.

Reminder : subpages are not rendered in this menu

Bellow are all frontmatters options used to render a menu entry.
Example from the current “Getting start” section.

# Menu label
title: "Getting started"

# Hide this page from menu
hidden: false

# Prefix menu label with a text, an html...
pre: ""

# Suffix menu label with a text, an html...
post: "πŸ‘‹"

# Display this before the menu entry
head: "<hr/>"

# Keep this menu opened by default
alwaysopen: true


Add content before menu entries

(red dashed rectangle in the screenshot)

Create a page in _layout/_sidepage-before folder.

	└──	_layout
		   └── sidepage-before

Add content after menu entries

(blue dashed rectangle in the screenshot)

Create a page in _layout/_sidepage-after folder.

	└──	_layout
		   └── sidepage-after

Hide site menu

Set hide: nav in your page’s frontmatter, see an example here